The Water Is Fine

You know He's somewhere
But you don't know if He cares
About the way you live
So you throw Him up a prayer
You hope He hears you
But the odds are even-split
That when He answers
You'll be ready to commit

You've got a hobby and you play it every Sunday
A little fire insurance keeps you coming back for more
Nice man in the suit says you should live it every weekday
You forgot by Monday
Who knows?  Maybe someday

You know He's somewhere...

Afraid to tell your friends, you know what they'd be saying
"Lost another buddy to the Jesus-lovers club
Oh, we knew him when he used to hurl at all our parties"

Factory liquidation
What a reputation

You know He's somewhere...

One foot in the ocean and the sand is getting hotter
Do you need a 'jump' sign?
Come on in, the water's fine

Recorded by Guardian.  Lyrics by Tony Palacios and Steve Taylor

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